Dr. Christoph Schnellbach





European Integration, EU enlargement, minority policy, democracy analysis, NGOs and intermediate actors

Regional focus: East-Central Europe 



E-Mail: cschnellbach@ssc-europe.eu


CV  Publications



11th -13th May 2015 

Conference: DAAD Forum on higher education cooperation between Germany and the eastern Bologna Member Countries, Tiflis 

Panellist: „The Humboldt model“ 


28th -30th April 2015 

Conference: Minderheitenpolitik und Wertwandel, Universität Babes-Bolyai (UBB) 


Pannelist: „Minderheitenpolitik in Ostmitteleuropa im Prozess der EU-Erweiterung“ 


11th -13th December 2014 

Conference: Der Anfang vom Ende? Formen differenzierter Integration und ihre Konsequenzen,  Europäische Akademie Berlin (EAB)

Panellist: „Die externe Dimension der differenzierten Integration: Lehren aus der Östlichen Partnerschaft“


13th November 2014     

Workshop: Die Europäische Bürgerintiative Minority SafePack, Andrássy Universität Budapest

Panellist:  „Gleichstellung“


16.th - 21st June 2014     

Summer School: Summer School on European Security, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”

Panellist: „An Emerging European Crisis Management Policy“


12th - 17th May 2014     

Workshop: Frozen Conflicts, State Pedagogical University „Ion Creanga“, Chișinău (Moldova)

Panellist: „The European Foreign Policy and Frozen Conflicts”


8./9. May 2014    

Conference: Central and Eastern European eGov Days 2014: eGovernment: Driver or Stumbling Block for European Integration?, Budapest

Panellist: „The European Citizens’ Initiative as an Instrument of eDemocracy”


9th/ 10th January 2014

Workshop: “Whither Eastern Europe? Changing Political Science Perspectives on the Region”, University of Florida, Gainesville

Panellist: “Mapping Ethnic Identities in East-Central Europe: The Results of the Census 2011”


27th /28th September 2013

Workshop: EU Simulations – Scholarly Reflections and Research on an Innovative Teaching Methodology, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz

Panellist: „Simulation development and theme selection as an interactive process“


19th -21st September 2013

Conference: 3-Länder-Tagung „Politik der Vielfalt“, Universität Innsbruck

Panellist: „Demographie und Minderheitenpolitik in Ostmitteleuropa: Die Ergebnisse der Volkszählung 2011“


12th /13th September 2013

Conference: Kyiv Between the European and Eurasian Unions: The Impact of Brussels and Moscow on Ukrainian Domestic Affairs, National University of ‘Kyiv‐Mohyla Academy’ (NaUKMA) and Kyiv Institute of International Relations (IIR)

Panellist: „The External Dimension of Differentiated Integration: Lessons Learned from the Eastern Partnership“


May 31st - June 2nd 2013   

18th JOE-Conference (Tagung Junger Osteuropa-Experten), Berlin

Panellist “Transfer, Diffusion oder differenzierte Integration? Die europäische Roma-Politik nach der EU-Osterweiterung”


21st /22nd  February 2013   

Conference: Minderheiten in Ungarn und in den Nachbarländern im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert, Andrássy University Budapest

Panellist: “Internationalisierung des Minderheitenrechts”


25th November 2012

Conference: Sachunmittelbare Demokratie im interdisziplinären und internationalen Kontext 2012/2013: Bürgerbegehren und Bürgerentscheid Deutschland-Schweiz/ Mittel- und Osteuropa, German Institute for Direct Democracy at TU Dresden

Panellist: „Direct Democracy in Hungary“


20th/21st September 2012

Workshop: The European Union between Euro-Crisis and Enlargement, Andrássy University Budapest

Panellist: „EU-Enlargement and Differentiated Integration“

20th September 2012

Workshop: EU-36: Budget and Common Policies, Central European University, Budapest

Panellist: „The MFF and EU enlargement: A Game on Two Levels”


9th December 2011   

Workshop on differentiated integration at the Europa Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder

Panellist: “Differentiated Integration in EU Minority Policy: Between European Law and Regional Implementation”


27th - 28th October 2011     

Annual Conference “Multi-level Politics: Intra- and Inter-level Comparative Perspectives”, Central European Political Science Association (CEPSA), Vienna

Panellist: “The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) and Direct Democracy in the EU”


6th - 7th October 2011         

3rd Conference of the Section for International Politics, German Political Science Association (DVPW), LMU München


9th - 10th June 2011 

Doctoral Conference “The European Union and its Neighbourhoods”, CAP at the LMU München


12th March 2011      

Workshop “From Norm Adoption to Norm Implementation: Minority and Human Rights in CEEC Revisited”, European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg


22nd - 24th October 2010    

18th JOE-Conference (Tagung Junger Osteuropa-Experten), Berlin

Panellist: “The Role of NGOs in the EU Enlargement Process in the Field of Minority Protection”


28th - 30th May 2010          

Forum Hungaricum, German-Hungarian Association, Berlin

Panellist: “The Influence of the EU on Minority Protection after Enlargement: Hungary and Slovakia compared”


3rd - 4th March 2010           

International symposium at the Andrássy Universität Budapest

Panellist: “Current Cross-border Minority Issues in the Carpathian Basin”


23rd - 25th October 2009     

17th JOE-Conference (Tagung Junger Osteuropa-Experten), Berlin



LMU München     


Winter Term 2016/17

Seminar: European Foreign Policy


Winter Term 2015/16

Seminar: European Foreign Policy


Winter Term 2014/15

Seminar: European Foreign Policy


Winter Term 2013/14

Seminar: European Foreign Policy


Summer Term 2013

Seminar: Applied Policy Research, Centrum für angewandte Politikforschung München, Deutschland


Summer Term 2013

European Studies Programme, Munich International Summer University (MISU)


Winter term 2012/12

Einführung in die Arbeitsweise internationaler Organisationen am Beispiel der EU

und NATO (Introduction to the functioning of international organisations using the example of EU and NATO)


Winter term 2012/12

Seminar: Political Systems


Summer term 2012

European Studies Programme, Munich International Summer University (MISU)


Winter term 2011/2012        

Seminar: “Introduction to the functioning of international organizations using the example of EU and NATO”


Andrássy Universität Budapest      


Summer term 2017

Doctoral seminar on Political Education    


Winter term 2014/2015

Doctoral seminar on EU and NATO


Winter term 2012/2013

Interdisciplinary workshop on differentiated integration in the European Union


Summer term 2010    

Research group

Workshop: “Cross-border minority issues in East-Central Europe”


Winter term 2009/2010        

Research group



19th December 2015 

Simulation: Common European Asylum System, Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München 


6th December 2014

Simulation: EU follow-up meeting to the Third Eastern Partnership Summit, Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München


20th June 2014  

Summer School on European Security, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”

Simulation: Crisis Management in the Eastern Partnership


25th -31st March 2013

Workshop on simulation development “Eastern Partnership”,Petro Mohyla Black Sea University Mykolajiw, Ukraine


11th -13th February 2013

Workshop on simulation development “Arab League”, Faculty of Legal, Political, and Social Sciences of Tunis, Universität Karthago, Tunisia


27th - 30th August 2012      

Simulation seminar: “The Union for the Mediterranean after the Arab Spring”, LMU München


11th - 14th June 2012          

Simulation seminar: “Bewährung in der Krise? Die Europäische Union im Widerstreit zwischen Solidarität und nationalen Interessen”, Akademie für Politische Bildung (Academy for Civic Education), Tutzing


25th - 31st March 2012       

11th  Brussels European Forum, Belgium

Co-Chair, Simulation of the EU Council


29th March - 04th April 2009         

8th Brussels European Forum, Belgium

“Beyond Europe's near abroad - Opportunities and Risks for EU and NATO in Africa and Asia”

Chair, simulation of the European Commission


6th - 12th April 2008           

7th Brussels European Forum, Belgium

“European and Transatlantic Policies towards China and Russia - Competition or Cooperation?”

Chair, simulation of the European Parliament


25th - 31st March 2007       

6th Brussels European Forum, Belgium

“Europe Challenged 50 Years After Rome - Debating New Ideas for a Future Together”

Co-Chair, simulation of the European Parliament


24th - 29th June 2006          

NATO Model Portoroz, Slovenia

Selected delegate, simulation of the North Atlantic Council