Theory and practice of political activism, Intercultural Communication, United Nations politics, Transnational anti terrorism politics, Humanitarian intervention, Role of architecture in development cooperation
Seminars, simulations, student conferences
Your vote counts! The conference for first-time voters, Association for the Advancement of Political Action, Kiel, Berlin, and Bonn
Member of steering group (conception, organisation); instruction and moderation of three one-day conferences à 100 first-time voters in the context of the German Parliamentary elections 2013
Train-the-trainer seminar, Association for the Advancement of Political Action, Bonn
Conception and instruction of a weekend seminar for prospective trainers
Intercultural Workshop as part of the seminar Applied Policy Research, SSC Europe in cooperation with the American University of Cairo and the Cairo University, Munich
Conception and instruction of a weekend seminar for Egyptian students
Get involved! Why democracy doesn't work without participation, Association for the Advancement of Political Action in cooperation with the START foundation, Springe
Instruction of a weekend seminar for scholarship holders of the START foundation
Dialogue and Democracy in Civil Society – A Seminar for Youth Leaders & Young Professionals from Egypt, Jordan, and Germany, Association for the Advancement of Political Action in cooperation with the Gustav Stresemann Institut in Niedersachsen, Bad Bevensen and Berlin
Co-conception and instruction of a two-week international exchange of young professionals
Simulation on the Reform of the European Emission Trade Scheme, Association for the Advancement of Political Action, Hamburg
Preparation and instruction of a two-day simulation of the European Union as part of the project week at Gymnasium Altona
Liberty and justice, Association for the Advancement of Political Action, Bergheim
Conception and instruction of a four-day seminar as part of the project week at Bergheim comprehensive school
Political education for artists, Center for Possible Studies (Serpentine Gallery), London
Conception and instruction of a workshop for cultural workers and artists
Security at any price? Global anti terror politics under scrutiny, Association for the Advancement of Political Action, Jever
Conception and instruction of a weekend seminar for college students
Getting involved! A workshop for people who want to make a difference, Association for the Advancement of Political Action in cooperation with the Körber Foundation, Bad Bevensen
Conception and instruction of a one week seminar for the laureates of the Federal President’s History Competition
"Slum Upgrading" and "Refugee Camp Rehabilitation" – Which role for architecture in development cooperation? ASA-Programme, Burg Ludwigstein near Kassel
Conception and instruction of a workshop for former participants of the ASA-Programme
How do the enlightenment’s idea of man and the philosophical concept of liberty relate to our societal order?, Association for the Advancement of Political Action, Xanten
Two-day presentation at the Holiday Academy Politics I for highschool students
Future questions – Where are we at? Where to go? (Demographic change, Gemany’s role in the world, Development of parliamentary democracy), Association for the Advancement of Political Action, Bielefeld
Conception and instruction of a future congress for highschool students
Towards peace by way of war? The Just War Theory in practice, Association for the Advancement of Political Action, Bonn
Conception and instruction of a weekend seminar for college students
Do we (still) live in a libertarian society?, Association for the Advancement of Political Action, Bonn
Conception and instruction of two internal seminars for members of the Association for the Advancement of Political Action
The language of the global village – A crash course in Intercultural Communication,
Association for the Advancement of Political Action, Bornheim
Conception and instruction of a weekend seminar for university students
How to become politically active, Students’ Forum Institute, Bethlehem, Palestinian Territories
Conception and instruction of a workshop for young Palestinians
Your vote 2009 – The first-time voter conference, Association for the Advancement of Political Action, Bonn and Hamburg
Co-organisation and instruction of a one day congress for college students
Who will you vote for? Election preperation for young media makers, Association for
the Advancement of Political Action in cooperation with Young Press NRW, Bonn
Conception and instruction of a weekend seminar for young journalists
Hamburg growing – bigger, greener, fairer?, Association for the Advancement of Political Action in cooperation with the Körber Foundation, Hamburg
Two-day turorial for highschool students in preperation of a panel discussion with Hamburg’s First Mayor Ole von Beust
HolidayAcademy Politics I, Association for the Advancement of Political Action, Blankenheim
Instruction of a one-week basic seminar for highschool students
Global Health, Association for the Advancement of Political Action, Aachen
Co-conception and instruction of a weekend seminar for members of the Globalisation and Health Initiative (GandHI)
HolidayAcademy Politics I, Association for the Advancement of Political Action, Düsseldorf and Lübeck
Instruction of a one-week basic seminar for highschool students
HolidayAcademy Politics II, Association for the Advancement of Political Action, Bielefeld
Instruction of a one-week advanced seminar for former participants of the HolidayAcademy Politics I
GerMun, Ludwig-Maximilians University München and Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Weimar
Conception, organisation, and chairing of a one-week UN simulation for German National Model United Nations delegations
MucMun, Ludwig-Maximilians University, München
Conception, organisation, and chairing of a two-day UN simulation for the participants of the National Model United Nations delegation from Munich
Preparatory seminar National Model United Nations, Ludwig-Maximilians University, München
Conception and instruction of a term-long seminar for the participants of the National Model United Nations delegation from Munich